Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wanna know why I Blog with Ashley!

I'm Ashley:)
I blog over at Him & Her
I have been seeing a lot of "Why I blog" posts
so I thought I would share mine here with you today!

I started this blog shortly after I got married. While working and trying to figure out 
how to be a wife I didn't find much time to sit down and "blog". 

Nor did I really want to.

There are a few posts here and there. Mostly just me uploading pictures. 
Or sharing a random thought.

Nothing serious. 

Then after the birth of our son I started the "stay at home mom" job. 
Mothering felt very natural to me.

Through all my stages in life I had always wanted to be a wife and mommy.

 I still didn't know much about the blogging world. I knew my sister had one.
I would check hers to see news and pictures of her adorable kids. 

I started posting pictures of my little man and felt a little more into blogging.
More interested. 

Then I started to get a creative itch.
I found blogs with cute ideas on things to make for my little man.

I started following tons of craft blogs and wanted to become just like them.

I was trying so hard to make my blog more appealing to people.
Making crafts I didn't really care for
just so I could enter them in a link party.

It became stupid to me.
So I took a "break" from blogging.

Only to find I missed it.

So I had to find a new way to blog.
My way.

I was/am still interested in crafts.
So I craft.
but only what I want to and when I want to.

I decided to share my love of fitness.
I started my MMM

I was loving blogging!
It became FUN.

Soon we found we were pregnant again.
This time with our baby girl.
   This time around I have shared a lot of pregnancy ups and down.
and read a lot of yours as well.
I started opening up and making it "real"
Soon I gained a lot of friendships with amazing women.
Been inspired by so many of you that share
your story.
That I want to share mine.
I want to share all my silly thoughts.
My random pictures.
My joy.
My hard times.
My heartache.
This is me.
I blog, well I blog for me and those who care to get to know me.
I blog so I can remember the silly things Ty does.
His milestones.
For every time he melts my heart, or every time I feel like
an awful mother and need help.
I blog so my children can one day look back and see how 
loved they were/are.
So I can write sweet notes to my hubby and have him be embarrassed.
This is my journal.
...my thoughts...
my life
my family
I'm letting you in.
I just want to thank Kristen for letting me share
here with you today!!
She totally ROCKS!
COME say hi @ Him & Her
Let me know your coming from


  1. I just found your blog :) That picture of you holding your little one is simply beautiful!


  2. Love you Ashley!! SO glad you came back to blogging, because I LA-UVE you and your blog :)
